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Рік заснування видання - 2014


27.12.2018 16:00

[Секція 2. Менеджмент]

Автор: Dudko Anastasiia Valeriivna, student, National Aviation University

The application of strategic approach to enterprise management is caused by emergence of such processes as volatility and complexity of environment, growth of the globalization level, constant development of technologies. Companies, in order to maintain competitiveness in modern conditions, need to determine the priority directions of development, to adapt to changes in the environment, to use new technologies of management processes’ organization, to change the strategy of activity, and therefore to carry out strategic management. 

Strategic management is defined as a type of activity related to the determination of goals and objectives of the organization and provision of relationship between the organization and the environment, which corresponds to its internal capabilities and allows it to remain receptive to external requirements [2]. At the same time, the complexity of managing the strategic development of enterprises leads to the existence of unresolved issues regarding to unified understanding of the essence of enterprise development processes, improvement of methodical approaches to the formation of strategy and management of strategic development of enterprises.

In general, the technology of strategic management process contains the following stages [1]: 

– definition of the mission and short-term goals of the enterprise (awareness of problems, development of strategic vision and mission of the organization, establishment of the optimal set of balanced goals);

– strategic analysis (using strategic analysis technology, which includes assessment, potential analysis, position and competitive advantage of the organization, and the impact of environmental factors);

– choice of development strategy (means to prepare a list of strategies and to choose a better alternative for the given situation); 

– implementation of the strategy (involves organizational measures for the implementation of the chosen strategy); 

– control and evaluation of strategy implementation (means to control the strategic process, as well as to assess the implementation of actions and make adjustments).

Strategic management can be considered as a dynamic set of five interrelated management processes: environmental analysis, mission and objectives statement, strategy selection, strategy definition, assessment and implementation control. These processes logically follow each other. However, there is a stable feedback and, accordingly, the reciprocal impact of each process on each other [3].

Development of enterprise strategy should be carried out in some stages. At the same time, the obligatory condition for the development of an effective development strategy at Ukrainian enterprises should be the full consideration of the destabilizing influence of the state on enterprises.

Thus, at the stage of market relations’ development in the Ukrainian economy, questions regarding the efficiency of management become of extreme importance for enterprises, taking into account conditions of an indefinite external environment and speed of changes. The constant commitment of enterprises to conduct long-term planning and development requires the use of methods and models of strategic management based on a variety of approaches.

List of references:

1. Герасимчук В.О. Стратегічне управління підприємством / В.О. Герасимчук. – К.: КНЕУ, 2013. – 360 с.

2. Гуржій Н.М. Особливості сучасних підходів до стратегічного управління ризиком підприємства / Н.М. Гуржій, А.Ю. Колтунік // Економіка та управління підприємствами. – 2016. – Вип. 14. – С. 344-347.

3. Литвак Б.Г. Стратегический менеджмент: учебник для бакалавров / Б.Г. Литвак. – М.: Издательство Юрайт, 2013. – 507 с. 


Scientific adviser: Lytvynenko Larysa Leonidivna, Ph. D., Associate Professor, National Aviation University

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